Games that Rock the World is a major documentary series for The Roku Channel, produced by Talesmith in partnership with long-time gaming documentary producers Gracious Films.
Visually iconic, with incredible access and huge entertainment value, this four part series is a deep dive into gaming’s most iconic genres, and the incredible stories behind the multi-billion dollar industry.
From the earliest groundbreaking titles to today’s leading franchises, the series combines iconic experts, entertaining gamers and knowledgeable designers with immersive archive and access to the global industry.
Each episode is focused on a different theme: Space Wars, Finish ‘Em fighting games, Jump and Run and Fantasy Worlds.
Led by interviews with key figures from the video games world, both past and present, the series shines light on the developers, composers and artists who have shaped each genre as well as exploring what makes the greatest games such a joy to play.
The series reveals how video games have taken on influences from the world around them and have in turn created a lasting impact on the culture we now live in.